Admin Setup
Prompt Patron Login: When Yes is checked, the patron will be prompted to login to use the computer. Selecting No will allow patrons to use the desktop at anytime without having to login.
Message: This button enables you to customize the Computer Usage Policy patrons see when they log in. This information is saved in the sysfile.rtf file.
AutoStart with Windows: Automatically starts when Windows® is started.
Automatic Windows login: Automatically logs the user into the application with a Windows® account username and password instead of a patron's barcode.
Display Floating Clock: This displays a clock when a patron logs in that shows how much time is left in the current session.
Do Not Require First and Last Name: When checked, patrons will not be asked to enter their first and last name when logging in.
Display Guest Button: Users will be able to log in without security verification. This feature is used to authenticate with Guest Barcodes.
Disable Log File: Turns off the logging of information needed for the VIEW Reports application.
Expire Log File: Enter the number of days you wish to wait before automatically clearing the log file.
Branch Name: The name of your library’s branch. This is useful for Reports.
Computer Name: Each computer should have a unique name. This does not need to match the Windows® computer name.
Startup Application: Enter the full path of the program you wish to launch upon startup. NOTE: Placing FULL SCREEN in the startup application will force PATRON software to stay maximized over your Windows® desktop.
Exit Application: Enter the full path of a program you wish to launch upon exit.