Patron Desktop
Configure PATRON Desktop
Windows Desktop: Display your Windows desktop in place of the PATRON desktop.
Multi-Language Option: Allows the user to choose between English or Spanish buttons on the PATRON desktop.
User Interface: Select how the program icons will be displayed.
Display Welcome Screen: When users are not logged in, a customizable welcome screen will be displayed on the computer. To view or modify
this screen, click Edit.
Hide Menu Bar: This will hide the menu bar in the PATRON desktop. Press the F4 key to restore the menu bar.
Edit Help Message: Customize the message patrons will see when they click the help button on the PATRON desktop. This information
is stored in the tdhelp.rtf file.
Banner Title: Enter the text you wish to display at the top of the PATRON desktop.
Background Bitmap: Customize the PATRON desktop by adding an image to its background. Click the browse button to the right to find
the desired image.
Launch Pad Bitmap: Add a background image to the launch pad by clicking the browse button.
Menu Title Bitmap: Add an image to the title bar by clicking the browse button.
Interface Colors: Change the color of the Background, Menu Title, and Banner Title on the PATRON desktop by clicking
the Change Colors button.