CYBRARIAN® Public Computer Automation


Default Menu File: The name of the menu file the software will load by default.

Default Menu File Location: Directory where you wish to store your menu file(s). Keeping this location on a shared network directory allows multiple computers to use the same menu files.

CYBRARIAN Menu Location: Directory where the executable programs that patrons can run with the software are stored.

System Message Location: Where the customized user messages are stored. Keeping this location on a shared network directory allows multiple computers to access the same messages.

Patron System Files Location: Where the patron database (patron.dba) is located. This location keeps track of patrons' computer usage.

Meter Files Location: Directory where the reporting files (meter.dba, login.dba) are located.

Policy File Location: Where the policies regarding your patron authentication are stored.

Print Control Database: Directory where the print database (print.db) is stored. This is accessed by the PRINT application.

Hours of Operation Location: Where the library’s hours of operation are stored. This information is kept in the tdhours.dat file.

Setup File Location: Directory where the setup file is stored (tdmenu.fon).