QUEUE Waiting List
Enable QUEUE software: Check this box to enable the workstation to be controlled by the QUEUE software.
Allow users to walk up to this computer: Allow patrons/users to walk up to a machine and login if there is nobody listed on the QUEUE
software waiting list.
Use CYBRARIAN and QUEUE software with Citrix: Select this feature if you are using a Citrix environment.
Grace Period: The amount of time a patron/user has to login to the assigned computer before QUEUE assigns the next patron/user on the
Remote QUEUE Database Network Folder: This location must match the QUEUE database path that was set in the QUEUE software setup. This
path must be on a shared network directory the restricted user has full control over and an access without being prompted for any Windows network
This PC is controlled by the ___ QUEUE: Select which queue group you want this PC to belong to. Groups need to be set in the software
setup before the patron workstation can be configured.